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Type Aliases

DxfDetailChanges: {}

Dxf compare detail changes. It supports:

  • color
  • lineType
  • constantWidth (polyline width)

Type declaration

  • [propName: string]: { new: unknown; old: unknown }
    • new: unknown

      The new value.

    • old: unknown

      The old value.

DxfLayer: ILayer

Dxf/dwg layer, which contains a number of objects in it.

A layer has "name", "handle", "color", "visible" and many other properties.

We can change a layer's visibility, color, etc.

MarkupData: DrawableData

Markup for DxfViewer contains additional information, e.g. layoutName.

DxfViewer doesn't maintain the relationship between model and markup data, business logic should knows which model a set of markup data belong to.

MeasurementData: DrawableData

Serializable measurement data

ToolbarConfig: { [ key in ToolbarMenuId]?: ToolbarMenuConfig }

Toolbar config. The key is ToolbarMenuId, and the value is a ToolbarMenuConfig.

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